
PhD Candidate, Chair of Hydrology, Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg – Germany

April 2022 – Today

PhD Candidate in DFG funded Subsurface Storm Flow (SSF) Project, researching SSF using stable-water isotopes, presentation of own research at international conferences, conducting field & labwork, startistical analysis and data visualization. For more info, visit the blog section at

Participated in further education and development courses:

  • Science Communication and Social Media (2023)
  • Writing with reason and resonance (2023)
  • Writers Studio (2023)
  • Summer school on transdisciplinary research (2023)
  • Conversation and negotiation skills (2024)
  • Basics of business administration (2024)
  • Writing grant proposals (2024)
  • Career Planning (2024)

Hydrology, Master of Science, Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg – Germany

Since October 2019 – April 2022

Lectures in Data Collection and Management, Environmental Statistics, Hydrologic Modelling, Global Change, Catchment Hydrology, Isotopes and Tracers, Soilphysics, Hydrogeology, Engineering Hydrology

Geosciences, Master EUCOR Exchange, University Basel – Switzerland

March 2021 – August 2021

Lectures in UAVs and Rovers in Geosciences, Soil Erosion, Floodmanagement, Hydrgeologic Modelling, Introduction to Organic Farming, Scientific Writing

Environmental Sciences, Bachelor of Science, Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg – Germany

October 2016 – September 2019

Minor in Environmental Hydrology

Bachelor Thesis: “Influence of filtration on Microplastics in Wastewater Treatment Plant effluents”

Lectures in Remote Sensing and GIS, Environmental Analysis, Physics, Math, Meteorology, Geochemistry, Ecohydrology, Geoinformatics, Biology and Ecology, Hydrology, Hydrogeology

Scholarships & Awards

WATSON Short-Term-Scientific-Mission Grant

Year 2023

Travel grant for a research visit to the University of Bern, Institute of Geography

DHG (German hydrological association) Fieldstudy Scholarship

Year 2023

Research Grant for developing Isoscapes using a novel precipitation autosampler

Roland Schlich travel support – European Geoscience Union 2023

Year 2023

Recieved the Early Career Scientist’s Travel Support (ECSTS) for my abstract:

Freiburg Hydrology Scholarship – Förderverein Hydrologie e.V.

Year 2020-2021


Freelance Environmental Data Scientist & Seminar Trainer

September 2020 – Today

Instructing Environment- and climate-seminars, provide environmental statistical services for consulting offices with R and GIS

Seminar Trainer & Group Koordinator, Greenpeace Freiburg

December 2016 – Today

Voluntary engagement

Lead group activity, Chair weekly meetings (live or via Zoom), plan and execute new initiatives to teach public about needs to conserve environment, briefing parcitipants for actions, give fundamental and Zoom seminars

September 2020 – April 2022

Support with the introduction, establishment and further development of the e-learning platform GETsmart

Working Student, Fichtner Water & Transportation Freiburg – Germany

February 2021 – July 2021

Hydrological Modelling, Automatisation of Workflows using R

Intern, UDATA GmbH, Neustadt Weinstr.

July 2020 – September 2020

GIS Analysis with Arc/QGIS, Environmental Modelling using CoupModel, Website Administration

Intern, WVER, Düren

March 2019 – May 2019

Department of Catchment Hydrology

Analysed pecipitation radar data, streamlined the process by writing R-Code and instructed coworkers, presented results, designed geodata displays in ArcGIS, sampled microplastics in wastewater treatment plant effluents using self-made sampler

Student Assistant, Physical Geography, Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg

October 2018 – March 2019

Taught ArcGIS in course “Geomatik II” to Bachelor students, operated the lerarning management system ILIAS

Intern, WVER, Düren

April 2018 – March 2018

Department of Water Ressource Management

Enquired, selected, edited and analysed geodata using ArcGIS, assembled and compiled precipitation data


Summer Semester 2024

Basics of Hydrology, Bachelor – 2 SWS

Gave lectures on catchment Hydrology, facilitated infiltration measurements, discharge measurements and hydrological modeling exercise, graded reports & final exam

Winter Semester 2023/24

HYDPRO – GIS Introduction – 2 SWS

Gave lectures and tutored GIS for Hydrology (Catchment delineation, Flow Accumulation, etc.)

Tracer Hydrology, Master – 2 SWS

facilitated soil column tracer experiments, tutoring lessons

Summer Semester 2023

Tracer Hydrology, Master – 2 SWS

Gave lectures on isotope hydrology & facilitated soil column tracer experiments, tutoring lessons, graded final reports

Basics of Hydrology, Bachelor – 2 SWS

Gave lectures on catchment Hydrology, facilitated infiltration measurements, discharge measurements and hydrological modeling exercise, graded reports & final exam