Complex societal challenges like the adaptation to climate change can’t be solved by one scientific discipline alone! Last week I participated in the trinational EUCOR Summer School on transdisciplinary research for climate adaptation. With experts from multiple countries and diverse research areas, us participants got a multitude of new perspectives and tools for facilitating change. Hartmut Fünfgeld gave a great overview about the current situation of climate change and outlined possibilities and chances for climate adaptation. I also really enjoyed participating in a workshop about artistic interventions, where Jennifer Hoernemann and Daniel Hoernemann alias Walbrodt presented how art can shift perspectives and mindsets.
We also got the chance to apply the learned into practice: In four different groups, we exemplarily framed transdisciplinary processes to help the city of Emendingen tackle issues like heavy rain, heatwaves and conflicts of interests. My group focussed on heatwaves and the difficulties of effectively reaching vulnerable people like seniors or people with disabilities. We presented our results to Emmenmdingen city staff, featuring possible solutions like cool spaces, a buddy-programe and an artistic approach to
get to an intergenereationally connected society!
It was an amazing week where I gained a multitude of new insights and met great people!
Big thanks to the organizers Regina Rhodius, Melanie Mbah Dierk Bauknecht and Mathilde Colin for the inspiring and motivating week!

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